

The Foundation Council elects from among its number the members of the Applications Committee and the Investment Committee.

The Applications Committee

The Applications Committee evaluates the applications received in accordance with the Foundation's objectives, the SRC Strategy, the medium-term priorities, the award guidelines and taking into account the financial possibilities under Articles 5 and 6 of the Foundation regulations.
It puts requests to the Foundation Council for full or partial authorization, denial or rejection pending revision.


  • Gerhard Siegfried, Chairman
  • Caroline Duriaux
  • Peter Strohm

The Investment Committee

The Investment Committee submits the investment strategy to the Foundation Council, decides on the tactical asset allocations within the permitted margins and supervises the performance of the individual professional asset managers.
The Investment Committee is advised by an inde-pendent external investment expert.


  • Gérard Fischer, Chairman
  • Sven Rump